Apr 16, 2020 | PAYE and NI
Q2 (2019/20) PAYE/NIC payment due where paid by cheque. The cheque must be with HMRC by this date in order to avoid automatic interest charge.
Apr 16, 2020 | PAYE and NI
If you pay by cheque through the post, monthly payments due for PAYE, class 1 NICs and student loan deductions from September 2019.
Apr 16, 2020 | PAYE and NI
Tax and class 1B national insurance contributions due on PAYE settlements for 2017/18. If paying by cheque this must be with HMRC by today.
Apr 16, 2020 | PAYE and NI
You must pay any tax and national insurance owed under a PSA by 22 October after the tax year the PSA applies to (19 October if you pay by post).
Apr 16, 2020 | PAYE and NI
Q2 (2019/20) PAYE/NIC payment due where paid electronically in order to avoid automatic interest charge.